Welcome to Otjiwarongo

Otjiwarongo also popularly nicknamed as OTT , is the capital of the Otjozondjupa Region, common folklore has it that the name Otjiwarongo means “the beautiful place” in the Otjiherero language. Although official statistics indicate that the town has about 28 249 residents (Namibia Population & Housing Census, 2011) with the recent trends in urbanisation and the growth of the informal settlement it could be easily double that as Otjiwarongo is one of Namibia’s fastest growing towns.

The town is situated about 250km to the Capital City of Namibia, Windhoek; about 410km to the Port of Walvis Bay, 465km to Northern Commercial Hub – Oshakati, and about 1000km to Zambezi Tourism Zone.

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Submit Meter Readings

Use the below to submit your water meter readings each month. Submitting your own meter readings helps to ensure that your municipal account’s water consumption rate is calculated with greater accuracy. It also helps you determine if their are any leakages and to see how you can save on your water usage.

It’s good idea to follow a set start and end date each month. For example always take the reading on the 1st day of a month and the last day of the month. 1 January – 31 January.